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New Orleans Vietnamese Online
May 1997

Meaning Of Mother's Day

Dear Mom,

I wish I could spend Mother's Day with you, but I can't, so I am writing a letter instead and hope you read it in Ann Landers' column. I understand so many things now that I didn't understand when I was growing up. I didn't know how hurt you were by some of the things I said and did until I was hurt the same way by my own children.

Until I travel that road myself, I had no idea how hard you worked, with never a complaint, or the burdens you carried doing the veryday things I took for granted.

I didn't know how many times I could have make you happy by just saying, "I love you, Mom" -- or "I appreciate what you are trying to do for me" - but I know now because it would mean the world to hear those words from my own children.

It took me all my life to learn what a mother is. I wish there was some way I could let you know now how much I appreciate your years of sacrifice and unselfishness, your efforts to keep us on the right track, and everything you did to help your children grow up straight and strong. Thanks, Mom, you are the greatest.

Your Daughter